A twenty-something girl's take on the world.

Too old to know better & too young to give a damn.

No matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow.

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I think we can all agree that Winter was long, bitter, and often too snowy. Most of the time, I was crept up inside like a hopeless hobbit. But, no matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow. Although the weather is far from perfect, according to my periwinkle nail polish and the outbreak of floral blouses on campus, Spring has arrived. It was a long awaited countdown… No more snow, lots of green, and everyone just seems so refreshed and full of joy.

So, other than the array of pastel nail polish and vibrant floral fashion, what other reasons are there to love Spring?

6e4d3b17f8afeb8c7d12cce335c7c1b61. Daylight Savings – Losing one hour of sleep isn’t nearly as painful when you’re getting an extra hour of sun. It also provides solid purpose for a satisfying mid-day nap, without being called lazy. The sunsets? Amazing.

2. A valid excuse for bi-weekly pedicures – Know one wants to see bare and busted toes in a cute pair of flip flops.

3. Spring cleaning – As unappealing as it may sound, sometimes it’s nice to de-clutter. Maybe then, you’ll have room for this seasons new “it bag.”

4. April Showers bring May flowers – Who doesn’t love flowers? Their striking beauty and savory scent will dress up any room.

5. Suns out, guns out – After months of slaving away in that depressingly fluorescent gym, it’s finally easy to exercise without wanting to die. Go for a walk, ride your bike, shoot some hoops.

6. Less clothing – Everyone is practically naked. Woohoo. Feel that sweet and subtle breeze on your skin? That’s called freedom.

7. Easter candy – The Reeses eggs have been out for over a month and my addiction is well and alive. Peeps? Don’t even get me started… Easter candy is an obvious Spring blessing. That’s universally agreeable.

8. BBQs – It doesn’t matter if it’s Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday – They all rhyme with funday. Spring makes it perfectly acceptable to sit outside, double fist some wine, and indulge in a fat juicy cheeseburger. What diet?

9. Outdoors and music – I could sit outside and be entertained by virtually anything, but outdoor country concerts trump all. What beats watching your favorite artist perform, while sippin’ a guitar margarita, on a grass hill, overlooking the beautiful Philly skyline? Nothing.

10. The first trace of sunburn – Seriously, it only lasts about an hour, but it’s the best thing ever. You know what i’m talking about… After spending the day in the yard, washing your car, or whatever you do, you come inside with that ever so reddish Springtime glow. Pure bliss.

Whatever you do this Spring, live life in full bloom!

What does everyone else love about this glorious season?
