A twenty-something girl's take on the world.

Too old to know better & too young to give a damn.

Waiting on the world to change.

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So, I know I’ve been busy lately, but that’s no excuse to neglect my blog (for 15 days, to be exact.)

I’m sincerely sorry to have deprived you all of some majestic posts… I’ll try to make it up to you.

As I’m sitting here with a glass of wine in hand, (no surprise there) my mind can’t help but trace back to a conversation I had earlier.

Lets be real, take a minute to think about your priorities in life. What do you value most? What do you genuinely care about? What brings you absolute happiness?

What I can’t seem to wrap my head around is why people today are more concerned with how many “likes” their Instagram picture gets, or how many people comment on their Facebook posts, or what their favorite celebrity ate for breakfast…

I kid you not, walking through the halls of Stockton College, this is all I hear countless people talking about (other than their lame Tinder profiles.)

Ok, yes, it’s fun. But do you realize there’s more to life? Who cares about that virtual shit. Are those likes and comments going to land you a job or benefit you remotely in any way? (no…)

Speaking of mindless celebrities, has anyone seen the T-mobile “help save the data” commercial with Kim Kardashian-Humphries-West? Literally just saw it for the first time. Homegirl needs to fall off the earth.


Why aren’t people more concerned with something meaningful, something that gives a purpose to your life?

Do something for someone, find a way to help change the world, or to help change a single life (anything counts.)

But whatever you do, get over yourself & stop being so damn self-centered (we’re all a little guilty of it.)

Until next time (and I promise, it won’t be 15 days) xo
